Digital terms

Are you a trader that enters into contracts with consumers in the digital economy? Make sure that the terms and conditions include statutory information and that they are not unfair.


Terms and conditions: Why are they important?

If you provide digital products or services to consumers, like an app or an internet-connected thing, you will require terms and conditions.

It is your job to make sure that the terms and conditions include statutory information and that they are not unfair.

What are unfair terms and conditions?

Unfair terms and conditions can be prohibited by the Consumer Authority and financial sanctions can be imposed on you or your company.

When considering whether contract terms and conditions should be prohibited, we examine three issues.

Are the terms and conditions:

Why use fair terms and conditions?

If you use fair terms and conditions, your company is assured that its terms and conditions cannot be prohibited or set aside in the event of a dispute. You also ensure that your customers better understand their rights and obligations under the contract. You can therefore avoid unnecessary disputes and uncertainty, and save both time and money. You will also build better relationships with your customers.

What is our role?

The Norwegian Consumer Authority has dealt with cases concerning the contract terms and conditions of major Nordic and international companies, as well as many Norwegian enterprises. If you have questions or points of view about digital terms, we’re interested to hear from you. Contact information is available at the bottom of this page.

Did you know?

  • An average Norwegian consumer has 33 apps on his or her mobile phone. Combined, these apps contain 250,000 words terms and conditions.
Source: and The Norwegian Consumer Council