The Consumer Authority

The Consumer Authority (CA) is an independent administrative body tasked with supervising the market, enforcing consumer protection laws and advising traders on how to observe the regulatory framework.


The Consumer Authority (formerly Consumer Ombudsman) is a public enforcement authority. We work to make markets easier and safer for consumers.

The Consumer Authority prevents and stops illegal marketing, unfair contract terms and other forms of illegal commercial practices targeted to consumers.

We achieve this by offering guidance and entering into dialogue with traders, by effective use of economic sanctions and through information. We also work to protect the rights of the consumers and to ensure that consumers may take informed decisions.

The Marketing Control Act

The Marketing Control Act regulates how the Consumer Authority operates, and is the most important law we enforce. In addition to this, we ensure that traders comply with other parts of consumer protection legislation such as the Cancellation act, the Financial Services Act and several other laws.

When traders infringe the Marketing Control Act, the Cancellation Act, the Financial Agreements Act or other pieces of legislation that the CA enforces, the CA may prohibit this conduct (MCA § 40) and impose administrative fines (MCA §§ 42 and 43). Natural or legal person that are accessories to infringements, may also be the subject of decisions by the CA. The CAs decisions may be appealed to the Market Council (MCA § 37)

The Consumer Authority participates in a broad specter of international co-operation forums, to contribute to strong consumer protection across national borders.

The Transparency Act

The Transparency Act shall promote enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and ensure that the general public has access to information about how enterprises address adverse impacts on human rights andworking conditions.

The act applies to larger enterprises that are resident in Norway, and larger enterprises that offer goods and services in Norway and are liable to tax to Norway.

According to the Act, these enterprises shall carry out due dilligence assessments, and publish the results of these assessments. The enterprises also have a duty to provide information to the general public upon request.

Labelling Retouched Advertising

Since July 1st, 2022, the Marketing Control Act has required a standardized label to be applied to all advertising in which body shape, size, or skin is altered through retouching or other manipulation.

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